About me

I am a B.S. Human Biology graduate from University of California, San Diego. I am currently working as a Full-Stack Web Developer for electrIQ Marketing and a Team Lead for Lambda School.

I am a Full-Stack developer with a focus on back-end development using NodeJS/Express. Click HERE to jump down to my portfolio projects.

Hobbies: Weightlifting(I work out to eat), adventures typically about food, dreaming about what to eat the next day, watching my fave youtuber, tech-nerd with a passion for all things electronic, slickdeals is my life!

Picture of me


Languages: JavaScript | Python

Current Stack: React | Redux | Node | Express | PostgreSQL | KnexJS

Playable Tech: MongoDB | Mongoose | NoSQL

Future Plans: GraphQL | AWS

Wishlist: Lambda School DS/ML Curriculum | Data Science in general

Word cloud of coding languages


This is a gallery of several projects I have worked on!

Get in touch by clicking on any of the icons below!